
Please use the form below to register your shop's details and to what extent your shop is open during the COVID-19 lockdown.

Please do not sign up if you already have a Indie Retail login for your business, and/or a listing on the Find a shop search. You can check whether you have a listing by using the Find a shop search here.

If you have a listing already please log in to Indie Retail instead.

Your Company Details

All fields marked * are compulsory

(these will be the details you can sign in to My Indie Retail with to update your listing)

Please select the one of the following options which best describes to what extent your shop is open.

To add more details, for example further details, key worker offers and updated opening hours, please log in to your My Indie Retail account and fill in the details within the 'COVID-19 Details' section.

Once your My Indie Retail account is setup, please log in and update your contact preferences.
