Plastic Bag Charge Increase to be extended to all businesses from April 2021
Posted on in Business News, Cycles News, Political News
The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs have announced that single use plastic bag charge will be increased to from 5p to 10p and apply to ALL businesses, regardless of size, from April 2021.
The new policy was announced on Monday and will come into force from April 2021. It is unlikely that there will be requirements on small businesses (under 250 employees) to record the number of bags they sell in stores. By extending the charge to all retailers, ministers want to see bag usage cut significantly in small shops, with customers incentivised to use long-life bags made from more sustainable and environmentally-friendly materials.
Smaller retailers in England currently supply about 3.6 billion single-use bags annually. Last December, IRC member, the Association of Convenience Stores estimated about half of the small shops it represents in England are currently charging for plastic bags.
The government "expects" retailers to donate proceeds from plastic bag sales to good causes - but it's not compulsory. According to Defra, an estimated £51m was donated in 2017-18.
But while the vast majority of retailers chose to donate their plastic bag revenue - in line with government expectations - some chose to keep the money instead.
Responding to the forthcoming fee hike, CPRE - the countryside charity - said it was time to "step up and face the war on plastic"."Government should bring in charges on all single-use, throwaway items - from takeaway cups to wooden forks," said Tom Fyans, deputy chief executive.
"Incentivising re-use systems and finally committing to an all-in Deposit Return Scheme for drinks containers are the only ways the government can achieve a litter-free countryside and win the war on waste."
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