National Craft Butchers launches the annual British Butchers Survey
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George Debman, National Craft Butcher's President said: "The results of the British Butcher Survey will shine a spotlight on the crucial role independent Craft Butchers play in keeping our families healthy and our high streets too."
Corinne Stuart, Chief Executive of NCB added "We want to be able to tell the country about the vital services butchers provide to our local communities, that's why we need as many independent butchers as possible to complete the survey."
Information is confidential and the annual survey results will help butchers stay competitive in times to come and promote the industry as a whole. It should only take 10 minutes to complete, and you'll have the chance to win a year's free membership of National Craft Butchers, or Scottish Craft Butchers for butchers in Scotland. Survey results will be published in September 2021.
The survey can be accessed here.
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