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Results: 81-90 of 707

Age-friendly businesses could revitalise Britain's high streets.

19 Feb 2024

Older people could be the financial shot in the arm needed for Britain’s high street, according to research commissioned by the University of Stirling. 
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Rural shops more important than ever, new report shows.

8 Feb 2024

The ACS (the Association of Convenience Stores) has celebrated the crucial role that rural shops play in thousands of communities across the UK in its 2024 Rural Shop Report.
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Study reveals Apple Pay and contactless payments have overtaken cash payments as favourite ways to pay in-store.

8 Feb 2024

New research reveals that Apple Pay and contactless payments have overtaken cash payments by a landslide as our favourite ways to pay in-store.
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Fed expresses alarm at ‘runaway’ shoplifting incidents.

5 Feb 2024

The Federation of Independent Retailers (the Fed) has expressed alarm at new figures that show shoplifting at its highest level in 20 years.
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Hunstanton deli launches new West Norfolk food and drink festival.

5 Feb 2024

A brand-new festival is being launched next month is “all about community and breathing life into the High Street”, according to Mark Kacary, managing director of The Norfolk Deli in... Read more…

Retailers react to disposable vape ban.

5 Feb 2024

The retail sector has been responding to government plans to ban disposable vapes as part of plans to tackle the rise in youth vaping.
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UK’s indie food retailers to be recognised in the Farm Shop and Deli Retailer Awards 2024.

23 Jan 2024

Bakers, butchers, cheesemongers, delicatessens, fishmongers, greengrocers, village stores and small farm shops from around the UK have been shortlisted in the Farm Shop and Deli Retailer Awards... Read more…

How Independent Retailers Can Stand Out in A Crowded Market

23 Jan 2024

An interesting article has appeared in Forbes reflecting many of the issues that Indie Retail & ActSmart members will be experiencing – the challenges and... Read more…

Eight in Ten Small Businesses Taking Positive Steps to Strengthen Their Enterprises in 2024

22 Jan 2024

Eight in ten small business owners (81%) are planning to develop their companies in 2024, according to new research from Novuna Business Finance. The research shows that over a third (33%) are... Read more…

The Times names 12 of the UK’s best independent bookshops — as chosen by its readers.

22 Jan 2024

The Times has named 12 of the UK’s best independent bookshops — as chosen by its readers. Readers highlighted places that combined books with a friendly and welcoming atmosphere.... Read more…

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Family-owned butcher’s shop hopes 'Mary' will help Wigan families in need of food.

Posted on in Business News

Reynolds’ Butchers in Parbold, near Wigan, have set up a scheme called Mary’s Mince to help people living in the village.


They wanted to do something to support customers during the cost-of-living crisis but did not know how to do it as they felt there was still a sense of embarrassment for some people when it comes to asking for a helping hand.

They came up with Mary’s Mince, which sees customers go into the shop and pay for a bag of mince for “Mary” – a fictional person who is, in fact, another customer who needs it.

Alternatively, they can pick up the mince to “deliver to Mary” if they need the meat themselves.

Helen Reynolds, who runs the butchers with her husband Tony, said: “We don’t ask any questions or who it’s for, because she’s a fiction. It's a way of taking away a little bit of embarrassment from asking. Community really matters to us and we all care about each other.”

A lot of regular customers will put money aside to contribute to the bank of meat, making sure there is enough available so it can be given to anyone who needs it.

The initiative has taken off and Helen is already in talks with Beacon Crossing – a nearby retirement home – to give any meat left at the end of the day for residents there to use.

Helen hopes people in the area will step forward to ask for the meat.

She said: “We want to encourage people not to feel shy about it – there are lots of struggling families out there.

"When we were in lockdown, we did something similar for families who had recently moved to the area and were starting with nothing.

"We like to do this where we can, to help people who are struggling and give them a lift especially this time of year. When you’re lucky enough to have a lot of food in the cupboard you’re alright but there are a lot of people not in the same situation.”

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